No matter what occasion this summer, Teleflora’s local florists will arrange and deliver beautiful bouquets right to your door!
Expires 7/14/2022
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- 500+ Colored Contacts and Halloween Contacts, Starting at US$9.99 / Pair
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- offers the perfect flower arrangement to fit every style and budget
- Same-day flower delivery available
- Shipping not included
Fine Print
Teleflora is proud to offer beautiful bouquets that are always arranged and delivered by local florists using the freshest seasonal flowers available: that’s the Teleflora Difference. They work with a network of over 10,000 local florists, so every flower arrangement ordered supports small businesses. With a huge variety of floral arrangements, you’ll be able to find the right gift for just about anyone in your life, no matter what occasion.
- Varieties including roses, carnations, daisies, tulips, and lilies
- Bouquets designed for almost any occasion, including funeral condolences, birthdays, and celebrations
- Container options ranging from ceramic mugs or mercury glass bowls to Teleflora’s unique vase designs
- Sun Winning Ind Co: Manufacture of Canvas Bag, Cotton Bag and Recyle Bag in CHINA
- : Find the latest travel and tourism news from around the world. Stay informed with travel news and updates