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Tag Archives: fitness

Fitness Is The Best Revenge

Staying Fit Is The Best Revenge There are more people getting fitter after forty than ever before. We now know that it is possible, and desirable, to keep exercising into old age. Exercise will help prevent the onset of many diseases associated with old age, i.e. arthritis, rheumatism, poor circulation, ...

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4 Harmful Muscle-Building Myths Uncovered

If youe serious about making a solid commitment to a muscle-building program, you need to be very careful of who you take advice from. Bodybuilding and fitness is literally a multi-billion dollar industry with new websites popping up every single day. Many of the so-called xperts?out there really don have ...

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7 Steps to Great Makeup

7 Steps to Great Makeup – – – 1. Avoid wearing too much Makeup is meant to enhance features not bring negative attention to you. That’s what wearing too much makeup will do; it will bring you unwanted attention. Don’t wear too much of anything such as: i) Eyeliner: dark, ...

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5 Tips For Keeping Active In The Winter

With winter coming there will be lots of cold days that simply make people want to stay inside and keep warm. However, all those days spent indoors is generally accompanied by the winter blues. Fortunately, there are a lot of things one can do to liven things up and keep ...

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3 Tips To Buying Fitness Equipment

Did you know that buying fitness equipment for your home isn really that difficult? It true that the world of fitness equipment can seem like a maze at times and that there are literally hundreds of different types of fitness equipment pieces that might work well for your home arrangement. ...

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4 Easy Health and Fitness Tips

The US has seen an enormous increase in the mumber of people considered obese by the medical community. In fact many call it an obesity epidemic. To combat this we find all sorts of pharamceutical companies selling the “quick fix” pills, powders, and lotions that do nothing to actually help ...

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3 Lessons From The Biggest Loser

All over the world, night after night, millions of people are riveted to their TV sets – but not to watch the latest soap, or CSI. Not to watch Jay Leno or Sex in the City. Not to see who outwits, outlasts and outplays others in Survivor. No – they ...

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The Way to Health & Vitality

It’s time to start a Healthy life: your 7 days program How many times have you gone to sleep at night, swearing you’ll go to the gym in the morning, and then changing your mind just eight hours later because when you get up, you don’t feel like exercising? While ...

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2 Simple Steps To Ripped Summertime Muscles

Summer is on the horizon, and the time has come to kick back and relax under the sun. It time for beach days, barbecues and pool parties, and for any serious weightlifter these activities also mean one thing: it time for the shirts to come off and to showcase that ...

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